Hello! and welcome to my blog. Here I put updates on shows and I'll post new and older work I've created. I hope you will enjoy browsing through my blog.
This is the original by Eduart Manet. I saw it recently at The Getty Center in Los Angeles. This is by far one of the most beautiful paintings I have ever seen. It's called: The Bar at the Folies Bergere"
and this song....is touching in and of itself....this is "No surprises" by Radiohead
This piece came about by the influences of both: Manet and Radiohead...This piece is titled "No Surprises", just like the Radiohead song above....Enjoy....
Hey everyone: Tomorrow there will be the Open Market held in Old Town Pasadena. I’ll be selling drawings, paintings, posters, zines, cards and buttons. Check this link for more information:
I hope you can make it!! Here’s a pic of my table last year.